**strongly** inspired by [chuck](http://chuck.stanford.edu/), but adding a bunch *high-level* features:
templating, first-class functions and more.
-<!-- TODO: add benchmarks in doc and link to it -->
It aims to be simple, small,
[extendable](https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion-plug) and [embeddable](https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion/blob/master/src/main.c#L18-L31).
-### Executing your first code (hello_world.gw):
+## Build
+### Download the source
+You might just want the minimum to start with, try
+``` sh
+git clone https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion
+cd Gwion
+git submodule update --init util ast
+### Configuring (optionnal)
+You can get a list of config files to tweak with
+``` sh
+find . -name "config.mk"
+Please rebuild to take your change into account.
+make -C util clean
+make -C ast clean
+make clean
+> Besides develloper options, you migth want to check *USE_DOUBLE*, in util/config.mk, which set the floating point size (float or double).
+## Executing your first code (hello_world.gw):
-This assumes you have successfully installed gwion. To build follow [these steps](#build) . To check, if the build was successfully run
+This assumes you have successfully compiled gwion. To build follow [these steps](#build) . To check, if the build was successfully run
-if this gives out some error, there were problems with your installation. Try installing again, and open a issue if the problem persists. We would love to help you out.
-If you see no errors, Congratulations!! You have successfully installed gwion, and can move ahead.
+if this gives out some error, there were problems with your compilation.
+Try building again, and open a [issue](https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion/issues)
+if the problem persists. We would love to help you out.
+If you see no errors, Congratulations!! You have successfully compiled gwion, and can move ahead.
Create a new file "hello_world.gw" in the same directory.(You are free to use any command)
You want to know more? :smile: Look [here](https://fennecdjay.github.io/Gwion/)
Both outdated and WIP :construction_worker: but a nice place to learn and [contribute](https://github.com/fennecdjay/gwion/issues)
-## Build
-### Download the source
-You might just want the minimum to start with, try
-``` sh
-git clone https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion
-cd Gwion
-git submodule update --init util ast
-You can get a list of config files to tweak with
-``` sh
-find . -name "config.mk"
-> Besides develloper options, you migth want to check *USE_DOUBLE*, in util/config.mk, which set the floating point size (float or double).
## Reporting bugs / Contributing
:+1: Every helping hand is welcome!!! :+1: