--- /dev/null
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Lists the FTP files
+ */
+#include <W3Core.h>
+#include <W3FTP.h>
+#include <W3URL.h>
+#include <W3Util.h> /* It has some useful functions, you know */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+void resp_handler(struct W3* w3, int status, char* data){
+ printf("%d\n%s\n", status, data);
+ if(status == 230){
+ W3_Set_Method(w3, "LIST");
+ W3_Set_Path(w3, "/");
+ W3_FTP_Send_Request(w3);
+ }else if(status == 226){
+ W3_FTP_Disconnect(w3);
+ }
+void data_handler(struct W3* w3, char* data, size_t size){
+ write(1, data, size);
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ if(argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage: %s url\n", argv[0], argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ W3_Library_Init();
+ struct W3URL* w3url = W3_Parse_URL(argv[1]);
+ if(w3url != NULL){
+ bool err = false;
+ if(w3url->username == NULL){
+ err = true;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing username\n", argv[0]);
+ }
+ if(w3url->password == NULL){
+ err = true;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing password\n", argv[0]);
+ }
+ if(err){
+ W3_Free_URL(w3url);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ struct W3* w3 = W3_Create("ftp", w3url->host, w3url->port);
+ W3_FTP_Set_Username(w3, w3url->username);
+ W3_FTP_Set_Password(w3, w3url->password);
+ W3_On(w3, "ftpresp", resp_handler);
+ W3_On(w3, "data", data_handler);
+ W3_Send_Request(w3);
+ W3_Free_URL(w3url);
+ }else{
+ return 1;
+ }
#include "W3FTP.h"
#include "W3Core.h"
+#include "W3DNS.h"
#include "W3Util.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+extern int strcasecmp(const char* s1, const char* s2);
+void __W3_FTP_Start_Passive(struct W3* w3){
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "PASV\r\n", 6);
void __W3_FTP_Request(struct W3* w3) {
+ if(__W3_Get_Prop(w3, "FTP_USERNAME") == NULL || __W3_Get_Prop(w3, "FTP_PASSWORD") == NULL) {
+ __W3_Debug("LibW3-FTP", "Set the username/password");
+ void* funcptr = __W3_Get_Event(w3, "error");
+ if(funcptr != NULL) {
+ void (*func)(struct W3*, const char*) = (void (*)(struct W3*, const char*))funcptr;
+ func(w3, "did-not-auth");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
__W3_Debug("LibW3-FTP", "Sending the request");
+ int cond = 1;
+ w3->generic = &cond;
+ char* buf = malloc(w3->readsize);
+ bool cont = false;
+ int status = 0;
+ bool gotstatus = false;
+ char* buffer = malloc(1);
+ buffer[0] = 0;
+ char* cbuf = malloc(2);
+ cbuf[1] = 0;
+ int auth = 0;
+ int pasvsock = -1;
+ while(true) {
+ int len = __W3_Auto_Read(w3, buf, w3->readsize);
+ if(len <= 0) break;
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
+ if((buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '-') && !gotstatus){
+ cont = buf[i] == '-';
+ gotstatus = true;
+ }else if(!gotstatus){
+ status = status * 10;
+ status += buf[i] - '0';
+ }else if(buf[i] != '\r' && buf[i] != '\n'){
+ cbuf[0] = buf[i];
+ char* tmp = buffer;
+ buffer = __W3_Concat(tmp, cbuf);
+ free(tmp);
+ }else if(buf[i] == '\n'){
+ gotstatus = false;
+ cbuf[0] = '\n';
+ char* tmp = buffer;
+ buffer = __W3_Concat(tmp, cbuf);
+ free(tmp);
+ if(!cont){
+ if(status == 220 && auth == 0){
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "USER ", 5);
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, __W3_Get_Prop(w3, "FTP_USERNAME"), strlen(__W3_Get_Prop(w3, "FTP_USERNAME")));
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "\r\n", 2);
+ auth = 1;
+ }else if(status == 331 && auth == 1){
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "PASS ", 5);
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, __W3_Get_Prop(w3, "FTP_PASSWORD"), strlen(__W3_Get_Prop(w3, "FTP_PASSWORD")));
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "\r\n", 2);
+ auth = 2;
+ }else if(status == 230 && auth == 2){
+ auth = 3;
+ }else if(auth < 3){
+ __W3_Debug("LibW3-FTP", "Login failed");
+ void* funcptr = __W3_Get_Event(w3, "error");
+ if(funcptr != NULL) {
+ void (*func)(struct W3*, const char*) = (void (*)(struct W3*, const char*))funcptr;
+ func(w3, "login-fail");
+ }
+ goto ftp_stop;
+ }else if(auth == 3){
+ if(status == 227 && (cond & 1)){
+ /* Passive mode */
+ int j;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ bool pasv = false;
+ char* addr = malloc(1);
+ addr[0] = 0;
+ char* numbuf = malloc(1);
+ numbuf[0] = 0;
+ int port = 0;
+ for(j = 0; buffer[j] != 0; j++){
+ if(buffer[j] == '('){
+ pasv = true;
+ }else if(pasv){
+ if(buffer[j] == ',' || (pasv && buffer[j] == ')')){
+ cnt++;
+ if(cnt < 4){
+ cbuf[0] = '.';
+ char* tmp = addr;
+ addr = __W3_Concat(tmp, cbuf);
+ free(tmp);
+ }else{
+ port = port << 8;
+ port |= atoi(numbuf);
+ free(numbuf);
+ numbuf = malloc(1);
+ numbuf[0] = 0;
+ }
+ if(buffer[j] == ')') break;
+ }else{
+ if(cnt < 4){
+ cbuf[0] = buffer[j];
+ char* tmp = addr;
+ addr = __W3_Concat(tmp, cbuf);
+ free(tmp);
+ }else{
+ cbuf[0] = buffer[j];
+ char* tmp = numbuf;
+ numbuf = __W3_Concat(tmp, cbuf);
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(numbuf);
+ pasvsock = __W3_DNS_Connect(addr, false, port,
+ );
+ free(addr);
+ if(strcasecmp(w3->method, "LIST") == 0){
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "LIST ", 5);
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, w3->path, strlen(w3->path));
+ __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "\r\n", 2);
+ }
+ char* ftpbuf = malloc(w3->readsize);
+ while(true){
+ int ftplen = recv(pasvsock, ftpbuf, w3->readsize, 0);
+ if(ftplen <= 0) break;
+ void* funcptr = __W3_Get_Event(w3, "data");
+ if(funcptr != NULL) {
+ void (*func)(struct W3*, char*, size_t) = (void (*)(struct W3*, char*, size_t))funcptr;
+ func(w3, ftpbuf, ftplen);
+ }
+ }
+ free(ftpbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ void* funcptr = __W3_Get_Event(w3, "ftpresp");
+ if(funcptr != NULL) {
+ void (*func)(struct W3*, int, char*) = (void (*)(struct W3*, int, char*))funcptr;
+ func(w3, status, buffer);
+ }
+ free(buffer);
+ buffer = malloc(1);
+ buffer[0] = 0;
+ }
+ status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(cbuf);
+ free(buffer);
+ free(buf);
+void W3_FTP_Set_Username(struct W3* w3, const char* username) { __W3_Add_Prop(w3, "FTP_USERNAME", username); }
+void W3_FTP_Set_Password(struct W3* w3, const char* password) { __W3_Add_Prop(w3, "FTP_PASSWORD", password); }
+void W3_FTP_Send_Request(struct W3* w3) {
+ if(strcasecmp(w3->method, "LIST") == 0){
+ __W3_FTP_Start_Passive(w3);
+ *((int*)w3->generic) |= 1;
+ }
+void W3_FTP_Disconnect(struct W3* w3) { __W3_Auto_Write(w3, "QUIT\r\n", 6); }
mkdir -p w3-$(VERSION)/Example/tclw3/bin
mkdir -p w3-$(VERSION)/Example/tclw3/lib
+ mkdir -p w3-$(VERSION)/Example/ftp-list
mkdir -p w3-$(VERSION)/Example/pop3-list
mkdir -p w3-$(VERSION)/Example/interactive
mkdir -p w3-$(VERSION)/Example/fetch
cp ./Example/interactive/interactive.exe w3-$(VERSION)/Example/interactive/
cp ./Example/pop3-list/pop3-list.exe w3-$(VERSION)/Example/pop3-list/
cp ./Example/w3b/w3b.exe w3-$(VERSION)/Example/w3b/
+ cp ./Example/ftp-list/ftp-list.exe w3-$(VERSION)/Example/ftp-list/
ifeq ($(TCL),YES)
cp ./Example/tclw3/tclw3.exe w3-$(VERSION)/Example/tclw3/bin/
cp /usr/$(MINGW)/sys-root/mingw/bin/tcl86.dll w3-$(VERSION)/Example/tclw3/bin/
cp ./Example/interactive/interactive w3-$(VERSION)/Example/interactive/
cp ./Example/pop3-list/pop3-list w3-$(VERSION)/Example/pop3-list/
cp ./Example/w3b/w3b w3-$(VERSION)/Example/w3b/
+ cp ./Example/ftp-list/ftp-list w3-$(VERSION)/Example/ftp-list/
ifeq ($(TCL),YES)
cp ./Example/tclw3/tclw3 w3-$(VERSION)/Example/tclw3/bin/