dat_name = sprintf("docs/assets/benchmark/%s.dat", bench)
stats dat_name using 0:2 noout
-max = ceil(STATS_max_y+2)
+max = STATS_max_y+(0.1*STATS_max_y)
-#set title bench
+set title bench
set output sprintf("docs/assets/benchmark/%s.png", bench)
set xrange [-0.5:((ceil(STATS_max_x))+0.5)]
set yrange [0:max]
set style fill transparent solid 0.25 # partial transparency
set style fill noborder # no separate top/bottom lines
-plot dat_name using 0:2:($3/100.):xtic(2) with boxerrorbar lc "blue" notitle, \
- '' using 0:(max-0.5):1 with labels
+plot dat_name using 0:2:($2*($3/100.0)):xtic(2) with boxerrorbar lc "blue" notitle, \
+ '' using 0:(max-(0.05*max)):1 with labels
--- /dev/null
+function fib(n)
+ if n < 2 then return n end
+ return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)
+for i = 1, 5 do
+ io.write(fib(28) .. "\n")