+++ /dev/null
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "gwion_util.h"
-#include "gwion_ast.h"
-#include "gwion_env.h"
-#include "vm.h"
-#include "gwion.h"
-#include "instr.h"
-#include "object.h"
-#include "operator.h"
-#include "import.h"
-#include "emit.h"
-#include "traverse.h"
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "gack.h"
-#include "gwi.h"
-static m_bool ptr_access(const Env env, const Exp e) {
- const m_str access = exp_access(e);
- if (!access) return GW_OK;
- ERR_B(e->pos, _("operand is %s"), access);
-ANN static inline Type ptr_base(const Type t) {
- return (Type)vector_front(&t->info->tuple->types);
-static OP_CHECK(opck_ptr_assign) {
- const Exp_Binary *bin = (Exp_Binary *)data;
- CHECK_BN(ptr_access(env, bin->lhs));
- CHECK_BN(ptr_access(env, bin->rhs));
- exp_setvar(bin->lhs, 1);
- exp_setvar(bin->rhs, 1);
- Type t = bin->lhs->type;
- do {
- Type u = bin->rhs->type;
- do {
- const Type base = ptr_base(u);
- if (isa(t, base) > 0) return bin->rhs->type;
- } while ((u = u->info->parent) && u->info->cdef->base.tmpl->call);
- } while ((t = t->info->parent));
- ERR_N(exp_self(bin)->pos, "can't assign to pointer");
-static OP_EMIT(opem_ptr_assign) {
- const Exp_Binary *bin = (Exp_Binary *)data;
- const Type t = bin->lhs->cast_to ?: bin->lhs->type;
- if (isa(t, emit->gwion->type[et_compound]) > 0)
- (void)emit_compound_addref(emit, t, -(SZ_INT + t->size), 0);
- emit_add_instr(emit, int_r_assign);
- return GW_OK;
-static OP_CHECK(opck_ptr_deref) {
- const Exp_Unary *unary = (Exp_Unary *)data;
- return ptr_base(unary->exp->type);
-static OP_CHECK(opck_ptr_cast) {
- const Exp_Cast *cast = (Exp_Cast *)data;
- if (!cast->td->types || !cast->td->types->len)
- ERR_N(exp_self(cast)->pos, "'Ptr' needs types to cast");
- DECL_ON(const Type, t, = known_type(env, cast->td));
- if (t->info->cdef && !tflag(t, tflag_check))
- CHECK_BN(ensure_traverse(env, t));
- const Type to = known_type(env, *mp_vector_at(cast->td->types, Type_Decl*, 0));
- exp_setvar(cast->exp, 1);
- if (isa(cast->exp->type, to) > 0) return t;
- ERR_N(exp_self(cast)->pos, "invalid pointer cast");
-static OP_CHECK(opck_ptr_implicit) {
- const struct Implicit *imp = (struct Implicit *)data;
- const Exp e = imp->e;
- const Type base = ptr_base(imp->t);
- if (isa(e->type, base) > 0) {
- const m_str access = exp_access(e);
- if (access) ERR_N(e->pos, _("can't cast %s value to Ptr"), access);
- exp_setvar(e, 1);
- return imp->t;
- }
- return NULL;
-static INSTR(instr_ptr_deref) {
- const m_bit *o = *(m_bit **)REG(-SZ_INT);
- if (!o) {
- handle(shred, _("EmptyPointerException"));
- return;
- }
- if (instr->m_val2)
- memcpy(REG(-SZ_INT), &o, SZ_INT);
- else {
- shred->reg -= SZ_INT - instr->m_val;
- memcpy(REG(-instr->m_val), o, instr->m_val);
- }
-static INSTR(Cast2Ptr) {
- m_bit *o = *(m_bit **)REG(-SZ_INT);
- *(m_bit **)REG(-SZ_INT) = o;
-static OP_EMIT(opem_ptr_cast) {
- const Exp_Cast *cast = (Exp_Cast *)data;
- const Instr instr = emit_add_instr(emit, Cast2Ptr);
- instr->m_val = (m_uint)exp_self(cast)->type;
- return GW_OK;
-static OP_EMIT(opem_ptr_implicit) {
- const struct Implicit *imp = (struct Implicit *)data;
- const Instr instr = emit_add_instr(emit, Cast2Ptr);
- instr->m_val = (m_uint)imp->t;
- return GW_OK;
-static OP_EMIT(opem_ptr_deref) {
- const Exp_Unary *unary = (Exp_Unary *)data;
- const Instr instr = emit_add_instr(emit, instr_ptr_deref);
- instr->m_val = exp_self(unary)->type->size;
- instr->m_val2 = exp_getvar(exp_self(unary));
- return GW_OK;
-ANN Type scan_class(const Env env, const Type t, const Type_Decl *td);
-static DTOR(ptr_object_dtor) { release(**(M_Object **)o, shred); }
-static DTOR(ptr_struct_dtor) {
- const Type base = *(Type *)(shred->mem + SZ_INT);
- const m_uint scope = env_push(shred->info->vm->gwion->env,
- base->info->value->from->owner_class,
- base->info->value->from->owner);
- const Type t = known_type(shred->info->vm->gwion->env,
- *mp_vector_at(base->info->cdef->base.tmpl->call, Type_Decl*, 0));
- env_pop(shred->info->vm->gwion->env, scope);
- struct_release(shred, t, *(m_bit **)o);
-#include "tmpl_info.h"
-static OP_CHECK(opck_ptr_scan) {
- struct TemplateScan *ts = (struct TemplateScan *)data;
- struct tmpl_info info = {
- .base = ts->t, .td = ts->td, .list = ts->t->info->cdef->base.tmpl->list};
- const Type exists = tmpl_exists(env, &info);
- if (exists) return exists != env->gwion->type[et_error] ? exists : NULL;
- const Type base = known_type(env, *mp_vector_at(ts->td->types, Type_Decl*, 0));
- const Type t = new_type(env->gwion->mp, s_name(info.name), base);
- t->size = SZ_INT;
- t->info->parent = env->gwion->type[et_ptr];
- SET_FLAG(t, abstract | ae_flag_final);
- t->info->tuple = new_tupleform(env->gwion->mp, NULL);
- t->nspc = new_nspc(env->gwion->mp, t->name);
- vector_add(&t->info->tuple->types, (m_uint)base);
- const m_uint scope = env_push(env, base->info->value->from->owner_class,
- base->info->value->from->owner);
- mk_class(env, t, (loc_t) {});
- env_pop(env, scope);
- nspc_add_type_front(t->info->value->from->owner, info.name, t);
- if (isa(base, env->gwion->type[et_compound]) > 0) {
- t->nspc->dtor =
- new_vmcode(env->gwion->mp, NULL, NULL, "@PtrDtor", SZ_INT, true, false);
- if (!tflag(base, tflag_struct))
- t->nspc->dtor->native_func = (m_uint)ptr_object_dtor;
- else
- t->nspc->dtor->native_func = (m_uint)ptr_struct_dtor;
- set_tflag(t, tflag_dtor);
- }
- return t;
-static OP_CHECK(opck_ptr_ref) {
- const Exp_Binary *bin = (Exp_Binary *)data;
- exp_setvar(bin->rhs, 1);
- return bin->rhs->type;
-static GACK(gack_ptr) { INTERP_PRINTF("%p", *(m_str *)VALUE); }
- const Type t_ptr = gwi_struct_ini(gwi, "Ptr:[A]");
- gwi->gwion->type[et_ptr] = t_ptr;
- GWI_BB(gwi_gack(gwi, t_ptr, gack_ptr))
- t_ptr->nspc->offset += SZ_INT;
- GWI_BB(gwi_class_end(gwi))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, "Ptr", NULL, NULL))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_ptr_scan))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "class", NULL))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, (m_str)OP_ANY_TYPE, "Ptr", NULL))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_ptr_assign))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_emi(gwi, opem_ptr_assign))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, ":=>", NULL))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_ptr_implicit))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_emi(gwi, opem_ptr_implicit))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "@implicit", Cast2Ptr))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_ptr_cast))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_emi(gwi, opem_ptr_cast))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "$", Cast2Ptr))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, NULL, "Ptr", NULL))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_ptr_deref))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_emi(gwi, opem_ptr_deref))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "*", instr_ptr_deref))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, "Ptr", "Ptr", "Ptr"))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_ptr_ref))
- // GWI_BB(gwi_oper_emi(gwi, opem_ptr_ref))
- GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "::=>", int_r_assign))
- return GW_OK;