return (Instr)GW_OK;
+static OP_CHECK(opck_object_not) {
+ const Exp_Unary* unary = (Exp_Unary*)data;
+ const Type t = unary->exp->info->type;
+ if(tflag(t, tflag_nonnull))
+ ERR_N(unary->exp->pos, "expression is known to be nonnull");
+ return unary->exp->info->type;
ANN /*static*/ Type scan_class(const Env env, const Type t, const Type_Decl* td);
static Type opck_object_scan(const Env env, const struct TemplateScan *ts) {
GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "$", NULL))
GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, NULL, "Object", "bool"))
GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_unary_meta2))
+ GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_object_not))
GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "!", IntNot))
GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, "@Compound", NULL, NULL))
GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_struct_scan))