m_uint* array_depth, const m_uint array_depth2) {
*array_depth = array_depth2;
- if(*array_depth) {
+ if(*array_depth) { // TODO: clean me
array_sub = new_array_sub(p, NULL);
for(m_uint i = 1; i < *array_depth; i++)
array_sub = prepend_array_sub(array_sub, NULL);
return arg_list;
-ANN static Type_Decl* import_td(const Gwi gwi, const m_str name) {
- const Env env = gwi->gwion->env;
- m_uint array_depth;
- DECL_OO(const ID_List, type_path, = str2list(env, name, &array_depth, gwi->loc))
- Type_Decl* type_decl = new_type_decl(env->gwion->mp, type_path);
- if(array_depth) {
- Array_Sub array = new_array_sub(env->gwion->mp, NULL);
- for(m_uint i = 1; i < array_depth; i++)
- array = prepend_array_sub(array, NULL);
- type_decl->array = array;
+struct array_checker {
+ m_str str;
+ Exp base, exp;
+ m_uint depth;
+ loc_t pos;
+ m_bool is_exp;
+ANN static void array_add_exp(struct array_checker *ck, const Exp exp) {
+ if(ck->exp)
+ ck->exp = (ck->exp->next = exp);
+ else
+ ck->base = ck->exp = exp;
+ ++ck->depth;
+ ++ck->is_exp;
+ANN static m_bool array_check(const Env env, struct array_checker *ck) {
+ const size_t sz = strlen(ck->str);
+ char tmp[sz + 1];
+ for(m_uint i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
+ const char c = ck->str[i];
+ if(c == ']') {
+ const m_bool is_end = ck->str[i + 1] == '\0';
+ if(!is_end && ck->str[i + 1] != '[')
+ break;
+ if(i) {
+ if(ck->is_exp == GW_ERROR)
+ ENV_ERR_B(ck->pos, _("subscript must be empty"))
+ if(!ck->is_exp && ck->depth)
+ break;
+ tmp[i] = '\0';
+ const m_uint num = strtol(tmp, NULL, 10);// migth use &endptr and check errno
+ const Exp exp = new_exp_prim_int(env->gwion->mp, num, loc_cpy(env->gwion->mp, ck->pos));
+ array_add_exp(ck, exp);
+ ck->str += i + 2;
+ return is_end ? GW_OK : array_check(env, ck);
+ } else {
+ if(ck->is_exp)
+ break;
+ ++ck->depth;
+ return array_check(env, ck);
+ }
+ }
+ if(isdigit(c))
+ tmp[i] = c;
+ else
+ ENV_ERR_B(ck->pos, _("invalid subscript '%c' in '%s'"), c, ck->str)
- return type_decl;
+ ENV_ERR_B(ck->pos, _("incoherent subscript '%s'"), ck->str)
+ANN static Array_Sub import_array_sub(const Gwi gwi, const m_str str, const m_bool is_exp) {
+ struct array_checker ck = { .str=str + 1, .pos=gwi->loc, .is_exp=is_exp };
+ CHECK_BO(array_check(gwi->gwion->env, &ck))
+ return new_array_sub(gwi->gwion->mp, ck.exp);
+ANN static Type_Decl* import_td(const Gwi gwi, const m_str name, const m_bool is_exp) {
+ const m_str subscript = strchr(name, '[');
+ const size_t sz = strlen(name), sub_sz = subscript ? strlen(subscript) : 0,
+ tmp_sz = sz - sub_sz;
+ char str[tmp_sz + 1];
+ strncpy(str, name, tmp_sz);
+ str[tmp_sz] = '\0';
+ DECL_OO(const ID_List, type_path, = path_valid(gwi->gwion->env, str, gwi->loc))
+ Type_Decl* td = new_type_decl(gwi->gwion->mp, type_path);
+ if(subscript && (td->array = import_array_sub(gwi, subscript, is_exp))) {
+ free_type_decl(gwi->gwion->mp, td);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return td;
ANN static Func_Def make_dll_as_fun(const Gwi gwi, DL_Func * dl_fun, ae_flag flag) {
const MemPool mp = gwi->gwion->mp;
- DECL_OO(Type_Decl*, type_decl, = import_td(gwi, dl_fun->type))
+ DECL_OO(Type_Decl*, type_decl, = import_td(gwi, dl_fun->type, GW_ERROR))
const m_str name = dl_fun->name;
const Arg_List arg_list = make_dll_arg_list(gwi, dl_fun);
const Func_Def func_def = new_func_def(mp, new_func_base(mp, type_decl, insert_symbol(gwi->gwion->st, name), arg_list),
ANN2(1) static Func_Def template_fdef(const Gwi gwi, const struct func_checker *ck) {
const Arg_List arg_list = make_dll_arg_list(gwi, &gwi->func);
m_uint depth;
+// Type_Decl *td = str2decl(gwi->gwion->env, gwi->func.type, &depth, gwi->loc);
Type_Decl *td = str2decl(gwi->gwion->env, gwi->func.type, &depth, gwi->loc);
td->array = make_dll_arg_list_array(gwi->gwion->mp, NULL, &depth, 0);
const Env env = gwi->gwion->env;
struct func_checker ck = { .name=gwi->func.name, .flag=flag };
CHECK_BO(check_typename_def(gwi, &ck))
- m_uint array_depth;
- const ID_List type_path = str2list(env, dl_fun->type, &array_depth, gwi->loc);
+ m_uint depth;
+ const ID_List type_path = str2list(env, dl_fun->type, &depth, gwi->loc);
if(type_path) {
- Type_Decl *type_decl = new_type_decl(env->gwion->mp, type_path);
+ Type_Decl *td = new_type_decl(env->gwion->mp, type_path);
+ td->array = make_dll_arg_list_array(env->gwion->mp, NULL, &depth, 0);
const Arg_List args = make_dll_arg_list(gwi, dl_fun);
- Func_Base *base = new_func_base(env->gwion->mp, type_decl, insert_symbol(env->gwion->st, ck.name), args);
+ Func_Base *base = new_func_base(env->gwion->mp, td, insert_symbol(env->gwion->st, ck.name), args);
base->tmpl = new_tmpl(gwi->gwion->mp, ck.tmpl, -1);
return new_fptr_def(env->gwion->mp, base, flag | ae_flag_builtin);
return GW_OK;
ANN Type gwi_typedef_end(const Gwi gwi, const ae_flag flag) {
struct func_checker ck = { .name=gwi->val.name, .flag=flag };
CHECK_BO(check_typename_def(gwi, &ck))
- Type_Decl* td = import_td(gwi, gwi->val.type);
+// we need to be able to parse e.g int[2][3] here.
+// as well as other_type[][]
+ Type_Decl* td = import_td(gwi, gwi->val.type, 0); // TODO: make it GW_PASS
if(td) {
td->flag |= flag;
const Symbol sym = insert_symbol(gwi->gwion->st, ck.name);
ANN m_int gwi_union_add(const Gwi gwi, const restrict m_str type, const restrict m_str name) {
DECL_OB(const Exp, exp, = make_exp(gwi, type, name))
- const Type t = known_type(gwi->gwion->env, exp->d.exp_decl.td);
- if(!t) {
- free_exp(gwi->gwion->mp, exp);
- return GW_ERROR;
- }
- if(isa(t, gwi->gwion->type[et_object]) > 0)
SET_FLAG(exp->d.exp_decl.td, ref);
gwi->union_data.list = new_decl_list(gwi->gwion->mp, exp, gwi->union_data.list);
return GW_OK;