+# Gwion
+Gwion is a programming language, aimed at making music
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-# Gwion
-gwion is a object-oriented programming language, aimed at making music
**strongly** inspired by [chuck](http://chuck.stanford.edu/), but adding a bunch *high-level* features:
- templates, first-class functions and more.
-:gift: a [plugin system](https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion-plug) makes it easily extendable
+ templating, first-class functions and more.
+<!-- TODO: add benchmarks in doc and link to it -->
+It aims to be simple, small, fast, [extendable](https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion-plug) and embeddable.
### simple example code (hello_world.gw):
## Build
### Download the source
-This project makes use of submodules, so you can clone it with
-``` sh
-git clone --recursive https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion
-cd Gwion
-or if you just want the minimum to start with, try
+You might just want the minimum to start with, try
``` sh
git clone https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion
cd Gwion
git submodule update --init util ast
-### Configure (optionnal)
-You might want to make sure every compile-time option is set to your liking.
-First list the files that set those.
+You can get a list of config files to tweak with
``` sh
find . -name "config.mk"
-You can now edit then to your preference.
-> Besides develloper options, the most important one is *USE_DOUBLE*, in util/config.mk, which set the floating point size (float or double).
-### Compiling
-### Other make targets
-Other basic targets include: clean install uninstall test
+> Besides develloper options, you migth want to check *USE_DOUBLE*, in util/config.mk, which set the floating point size (float or double).
## Reporting bugs / Contributing
:+1: Every helping hand is welcome!!! :+1:
+If there's anything you see that can make Gwion better, please let us know!
:book: Please see the [contributing](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) page for more information.
## Acknowledgements.