const Exp self = exp_self(prim);
ERR_O(self->pos, "can't use 'super' outside of constructor");
-// move in emit?
-// if(!self->is_call)
-// ERR_O(self->pos, "'super' can only be used as a call");
const Type parent = env->class_def->info->parent;
DECL_OO(const Value, v, = find_value(parent, insert_symbol("new")));
SET_FLAG(env->func, const);
static ID_EMIT(opem_super) {
+ const Env env = emit->env;
+ const Exp self = exp_self(prim);
+ if(!self->is_call)
+ ERR_B(self->pos, "can only use 'super' as a function call");
emit_regpushmem(emit, 0, SZ_INT, false);
emit_pushimm(emit, (m_uint)exp_self(prim)->type);
return GW_OK;