--- /dev/null
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gwion_util.h"
+#include "gwion_ast.h"
+#include "gwion_env.h"
+#include "vm.h"
+#include "gwion.h"
+#include "instr.h"
+#include "object.h"
+#include "operator.h"
+#include "import.h"
+#include "emit.h"
+#include "traverse.h"
+#include "parse.h"
+#include "gwi.h"
+#include "tmpl_info.h"
+#include "array.h"
+#define HMAP_MIN_CAP 32
+#define HMAP_MAX_LOAD 0.75
+typedef struct HState {
+ bool set;
+ bool deleted;
+} HState;
+typedef struct HMap {
+ m_bit *state;
+ m_bit *data;
+ m_uint key_size;
+ m_uint val_size;
+ m_uint capacity;
+ m_uint count;
+} HMap;
+enum HMapKind {
+struct HMapInfo;
+typedef void (clear_fn)(const HMap*, const VM_Shred, const struct HMapInfo*, const m_uint);
+typedef struct HMapInfo {
+ Type key;
+ Type val;
+ m_uint sz;
+ enum HMapKind keyk;
+ enum HMapKind valk;
+} HMapInfo;
+// TODO: arch sensible hash
+static SFUN(mfun_int_h) {
+ m_int x = *(m_uint*)MEM(0);
+ x = (x ^ (x >> 30)) * UINT64_C(0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9);
+ x = (x ^ (x >> 27)) * UINT64_C(0x94d049bb133111eb);
+ x = x ^ (x >> 31);
+ *(m_int*) RETURN = x;
+static SFUN(mfun_float_h) {
+ char c[1024];
+ snprintf(c, 1024, "%f", *(m_float*)MEM(0));
+ *(m_uint*)RETURN = hash(c);
+static SFUN(mfun_string_h) {
+ *(m_int*)RETURN = hash(STRING(MEM(0)));
+ANN static void clear_oo(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info NUSED, const m_uint idx) {
+ release(*(M_Object*)(a->data + idx * SZ_INT*2), shred);
+ release(*(M_Object*)((a->data + idx * SZ_INT*2) + SZ_INT), shred);
+ANN static void clear_ss(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ struct_release(shred, info->key, a->data + idx * info->sz);
+ struct_release(shred, info->val, a->data + idx * info->sz + info->key->size);
+ANN static void clear_os(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ release(*(M_Object*)(a->data + idx * info->sz), shred);
+ struct_release(shred, info->val, a->data + idx * info->sz + SZ_INT);
+ANN static void clear_so(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ struct_release(shred, info->key, a->data + idx * info->sz);
+ release(*(M_Object*)(a->data + idx * info->sz + info->key->size), shred);
+ANN static void clear_on(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ release(*(M_Object*)(a->data + idx * info->sz), shred);
+ANN static void clear_sn(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ struct_release(shred, info->key, a->data + idx * info->sz);
+ANN static void clear_no(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ release(*(M_Object*)(a->data + idx * info->sz + info->key->size), shred);
+ANN static void clear_ns(const HMap *a, const VM_Shred shred, const HMapInfo *info, const m_uint idx) {
+ struct_release(shred, info->val, a->data + idx * info->sz + info->key->size);
+static clear_fn *const n_clear[3] = { NULL, clear_no, clear_ns };
+static clear_fn* o_clear[3] = { clear_on, clear_oo, clear_os };
+static clear_fn* s_clear[3] = { clear_sn, clear_so, clear_ss };
+static clear_fn*const* clear[3] = { n_clear, o_clear, s_clear };
+ANN static void hmapinfo_init(HMapInfo *const info, const Type types[], const Type key, const Type val) {
+ info->key = key;
+ info->val = val;
+ info->sz = key->size + val->size;
+ info->keyk = isa(key, types[et_compound]) > 0 + tflag(key, tflag_struct);
+ info->valk = isa(val, types[et_compound]) > 0 + tflag(val, tflag_struct);
+static DTOR(dict_clear_dtor) {
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ clear_fn *fn = clear[hinfo->keyk][hinfo->valk];
+ HMap *a = &*(struct HMap*)o->data;
+ for(m_uint i = a->capacity; --i;) {
+ const HState state = *(HState*)(a->state + (i-1) * sizeof(HState));
+ if(!state.set || state.deleted) continue;
+ fn(a, shred, hinfo, i-1);
+ }
+INSTR(dict_ctor_alt) {
+ const Type t = (Type)instr->m_val2;
+ const M_Object o = new_object(shred->info->mp, t);
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)t->nspc->class_data;
+ HMap *a = &*(struct HMap*)o->data;
+ a->key_size = hinfo->key->size;
+ a->val_size = hinfo->val->size;
+ a->data = (m_bit*)mp_calloc2(shred->info->mp, hinfo->sz * instr->m_val);
+ a->state = (m_bit*)mp_calloc2(shred->info->mp, sizeof(HState) * instr->m_val);
+ a->capacity = instr->m_val;
+ shred->reg += SZ_INT;
+ *(M_Object*)REG(-SZ_INT) = o;
+INSTR(dict_lit_ctor) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)REG(-SZ_INT);
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ HMap *hmap = &*(struct HMap*)o->data;
+ for(m_uint i = 0; i < instr->m_val; i += hinfo->sz + SZ_INT) {
+ m_uint hash = *(m_uint*)REG(i + hinfo->sz) % hmap->capacity;
+ while(true) {
+ HState *const state = (HState*)(hmap->state + hash * sizeof(HState));
+ if(!state->set) {
+ m_bit *const data = hmap->data + hinfo->sz * hash;
+ memcpy(data, REG(i), hinfo->sz);
+ state->set = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++hash >= hmap->capacity)
+ hash = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ hmap->count = instr->m_val2;
+static CTOR(dict_ctor) {
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ HMap *a = &*(struct HMap*)o->data;
+ a->key_size = hinfo->key->size;
+ a->val_size = hinfo->val->size;
+ a->data = (m_bit*)mp_calloc2(shred->info->mp, hinfo->sz * HMAP_MIN_CAP);
+ a->state = (m_bit*)mp_calloc2(shred->info->mp, sizeof(HState) * HMAP_MIN_CAP);
+ a->capacity = HMAP_MIN_CAP;
+ a->count = 0;
+static DTOR(dict_dtor) {
+ HMap *a = &*(struct HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ mp_free2(shred->info->mp, hinfo->sz * a->capacity, a->data);
+ mp_free2(shred->info->mp, sizeof(HState) * a->capacity, a->state);
+// bound the hash
+// could be put in next func
+static INSTR(hmap_iter_set_ini) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2 - instr->m_val);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const size_t h = *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT - instr->m_val);
+ if(h >= hmap->capacity)
+ *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT - instr->m_val) = h % hmap->capacity;
+static INSTR(hmpa_set_inc) {
+ (*(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT - instr->m_val))++;
+static INSTR(hmap_iter_set) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2 - instr->m_val);
+ HMap *const hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ const size_t bucket = *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT - instr->m_val);
+ HState *const state = (HState*)(hmap->state + sizeof(HState) * bucket);
+ m_bit *const data = hmap->data + hinfo->sz * bucket;
+ if (!state->set || state->deleted) {
+ if(hinfo->keyk) {
+ if(hinfo->keyk == HKIND_OBJ)
+ (*(M_Object*)REG(-instr->m_val))->ref++;
+ else
+ struct_addref(shred->info->vm->gwion, hinfo->key, REG(-instr->m_val));
+ }
+ state->set = true;
+ state->deleted = false;
+ memcpy(data, REG(-instr->m_val), instr->m_val);
+ POP_REG(shred, instr->m_val);
+ *(m_bit**)REG(-SZ_INT*2) = data + hmap->key_size;
+ *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT) = 1;
+ hmap->count++;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(REG(0), data, hmap->key_size);
+ shred->reg += SZ_INT + hmap->key_size;
+ *(m_uint**)REG(-SZ_INT) = 0;
+ }
+static INSTR(hmap_iter_inc) {
+ (*(m_uint*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT))++;
+static INSTR(hmap_iter) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*3);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ size_t bucket = *(m_uint*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT) % hmap->capacity;
+ const HState *state = (HState*)(hmap->state + sizeof(HState) * bucket);
+ if (state->set) {
+ const m_bit *data = hmap->data + hinfo->sz * bucket;
+ m_int *const tombstone = (m_int*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2);
+ if (state->deleted && *tombstone == -1) {
+ *tombstone = bucket++;
+ }
+ *(m_uint*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT) = bucket;
+ memcpy(REG(0), data, hmap->key_size);
+ shred->reg += hmap->key_size;
+ return;
+ }
+ handle(shred, "InvalidMapAccess");
+static inline size_t grow(size_t c) { return c * 2; }
+static INSTR(hmap_grow) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ *(m_uint*)REG(0) = (hmap->count + 1) > (hmap->capacity * HMAP_MAX_LOAD);
+ PUSH_REG(shred, SZ_INT);
+static INSTR(hmap_grow_init) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT);
+ HMap *const hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ *(m_bit**)REG(0) = hmap->data;
+ *(m_bit**)REG(SZ_INT) = hmap->state;
+ *(m_uint*)REG(SZ_INT*2) = hmap->capacity;
+ hmap->capacity *= 2;
+ hmap->count = 0;
+ hmap->state = mp_calloc2(shred->info->mp, hmap->capacity * sizeof(HState));
+ hmap->data = mp_calloc2(shred->info->mp, hmap->capacity * hinfo->sz);
+ PUSH_REG(shred, SZ_INT*3);
+static INSTR(hmap_grow_dec) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*4);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ const m_bit *old_data = *(m_bit**)REG(-SZ_INT*3);
+ const m_bit *old_state = *(m_bit**)REG(-SZ_INT*2);
+ while((*(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT))--) {
+ const HState *state = (HState *)(old_state + (*(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT)) * sizeof(HState));
+ if(!state->set || state->deleted)continue;
+ m_bit *const data = (m_bit*)(old_data + (*(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT)) * hinfo->sz);
+ memcpy(shred->reg + SZ_INT, data, hmap->key_size);
+ PUSH_REG(shred, SZ_INT + hmap->key_size);
+ *(m_uint*)shred->reg = 0;
+ PUSH_REG(shred, SZ_INT);
+ return;
+ }
+ POP_REG(shred, SZ_INT*2);
+ *(m_uint*)(shred->reg -SZ_INT) = 1;
+static INSTR(hmap_wtf) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*6);
+ HMap *const hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ const m_bit *old_data = *(m_bit**)REG(-SZ_INT*5);
+ const m_bit *old_state = *(m_bit**)REG(-SZ_INT*4);
+ const m_uint h = *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT);
+ const m_uint idx = *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT*3);
+ m_uint bucket = h % hmap->capacity;
+ while(true) {
+ HState *const state = (HState *)(hmap->state + bucket * sizeof(HState));
+ if(!state->set) {
+ const HState *prev_state = (HState *)(old_state + idx * sizeof(HState));
+ memcpy(state, prev_state, sizeof(HState));
+ m_bit *const data = hmap->data + bucket * hinfo->sz;
+ const m_bit *prev_data = old_data + idx * hinfo->sz;
+ memcpy(data, prev_data, hinfo->sz);
+ hmap->count++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++bucket > hmap->capacity)
+ bucket = 0;
+ }
+ if(!idx)
+ POP_REG(shred, SZ_INT*4 - instr->m_val)
+ else
+ POP_REG(shred, SZ_INT)
+ *(m_uint*)REG(-SZ_INT) = !idx;
+static INSTR(hmap_addr) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2 - instr->m_val);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ POP_REG(shred, SZ_INT + instr->m_val);
+ const m_uint bucket = *(m_uint*)REG(0);
+ *(HState *)(hmap->state + bucket * sizeof(HState)) = (HState) { true, false };
+ *(m_bit**)REG(-SZ_INT) = hmap->data + hinfo->sz * bucket + hinfo->key->size;
+static INSTR(hmap_val) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ const m_uint bucket = *(m_uint*)REG(0);
+ const m_bit *new_data = hmap->data + hinfo->sz * bucket;
+ const m_int tombstone = *(m_int*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT);
+ if (tombstone != -1) {
+ m_bit *const old_data = hmap->data + (hmap->key_size + hmap->val_size) * tombstone;
+ HState *const old_state = (HState*)(hmap->state + sizeof(HState) * tombstone);
+ HState *const new_state = (HState*)(hmap->state + sizeof(HState) * bucket);
+ memcpy(old_state, new_state, sizeof(HState));
+ memcpy(old_data, new_data, hinfo->sz);
+ new_state->deleted = true;
+ }
+ shred->reg -= SZ_INT*2 - hmap->val_size;
+ memcpy(REG(-hmap->val_size), new_data + hmap->key_size, hmap->val_size);
+static INSTR(hmap_remove_clear) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ const m_uint bucket = *(m_uint*)REG(0);
+ clear_fn *fn = (clear_fn*)instr->m_val;
+ fn(hmap, shred, hinfo, bucket);
+static INSTR(hmap_remove) {
+ const M_Object o = *(M_Object*)(shred->reg - SZ_INT*2);
+ const HMap *hmap = (HMap*)o->data;
+ const HMapInfo *hinfo = (HMapInfo*)o->type_ref->nspc->class_data;
+ const m_uint bucket = *(m_uint*)REG(0);
+ m_bit *data = hmap->data + hinfo->sz * bucket;
+ HState *const state = (HState *)(hmap->state + bucket * sizeof(HState));
+ state->deleted = true;
+ shred->reg -= SZ_INT*3 - hmap->val_size;
+ memcpy(REG(-hmap->val_size), data + hmap->key_size, hmap->val_size);
+static OP_CHECK(opck_dict_remove_toop) {
+ const Exp e = (Exp)data;
+ const Exp_Call *call = &e->d.exp_call;
+ const Exp func = call->func;
+ const Exp args = call->args;
+ e->exp_type = ae_exp_binary;
+ CHECK_OO(check_exp(env, e->d.exp_binary.rhs = cpy_exp(env->gwion->mp, func->d.exp_dot.base)));
+ CHECK_OO(check_exp(env, e->d.exp_binary.lhs = args));
+ e->d.exp_binary.op = insert_symbol("~~");
+ free_exp(env->gwion->mp, func);
+ const Type t = e->d.exp_binary.rhs->type;
+ HMapInfo *const hinfo = (HMapInfo*)t->nspc->class_data;
+ if(isa(args->type, hinfo->key) < 0 || args->next)
+ ERR_N(e->pos, "dict.remove must be called with one Key argument");
+ return e->type = hinfo->val;
+static OP_EMIT(_opem_dict_access) {
+ struct ArrayAccessInfo *const info = (struct ArrayAccessInfo *const)data;
+ Array_Sub array = &info->array;
+ const Env env = emit->env;
+ const Type key = *(Type*)array->type->nspc->class_data;
+ struct Exp_ func = { .exp_type = ae_exp_primary, .d = { .prim = { .prim_type = ae_prim_id, .d = { .var = insert_symbol("hash") }} }};
+ struct Exp_ call = {
+ .exp_type = ae_exp_call,
+ .d = {
+ .exp_call = {
+ .func = &func,
+ .args = array->exp // beware next
+ }
+ }
+struct Exp_ lhs = { .exp_type = ae_exp_primary, .type = key, .d = { .prim = { .prim_type = ae_prim_id } }};
+struct Exp_ rhs = { .exp_type = ae_exp_primary, .type = key, .d = { .prim = { .prim_type = ae_prim_id } }};
+struct Exp_ bin = { .exp_type = ae_exp_binary, .d = { .exp_binary = { .lhs = &lhs, .rhs = &rhs, .op = insert_symbol("?=") } }};
+struct Op_Import opi = {
+ .lhs = key,
+ .rhs = key,
+// .op = insert_symbol("=="),
+ .op = bin.d.exp_binary.op,
+ .data = (m_uint)&bin
+CHECK_BB(traverse_exp(env, &call));
+if(info->is_var) {
+ const Instr instr = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_grow);
+ instr->m_val = key->size;
+ const Instr nogrow = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchEqInt);
+ emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_grow_init);
+ const m_uint grow_pc = emit_code_size(emit);
+ emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_grow_dec);
+ const Instr endgrow = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchNeqInt);
+ emit_exp(emit, call.d.exp_call.func);
+ emit_exp_call1(emit, call.d.exp_call.func->type->info->func, true);
+ emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_wtf);
+ const Instr regrow = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchEqInt);
+ regrow->m_val = grow_pc;
+ nogrow->m_val = emit_code_size(emit);
+ endgrow->m_val = emit_code_size(emit);
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, &call));
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, array->exp));
+ const m_uint top_pc = emit_code_size(emit);
+ const Instr idx = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_iter_set_ini);
+ idx->m_val = key->size;
+ const Instr iter = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_iter_set);
+ iter->m_val = key->size;
+ const Instr fast = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchNeqInt);
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, array->exp));
+ op_emit(emit, &opi);
+ const Instr ok = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchNeqInt);
+ const Instr inc = emit_add_instr(emit, hmpa_set_inc);
+ inc->m_val = key->size;
+ const Instr not_ok = emit_add_instr(emit, Goto);
+ not_ok->m_val = top_pc;
+ ok->m_val = emit_code_size(emit);
+// if(isa(val, emit->gwion->type[et_compound]) > 0) exit(3);
+ const Instr iseq = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_addr);
+ iseq->m_val = key->size;
+ fast->m_val = emit_code_size(emit);
+ return GW_OK;
+ const Instr room_for_tombstone = emit_add_instr(emit, RegPushImm);
+ room_for_tombstone->m_val = -1;
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, &call));
+ const m_uint pc = emit_code_size(emit);
+ const Instr iter = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_iter);
+ iter->m_val = key->size + SZ_INT;
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, array->exp));
+ op_emit(emit, &opi);
+ const Instr ok = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchNeqInt);
+ emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_iter_inc);
+ const Instr top = emit_add_instr(emit, Goto);
+ top->m_val = pc;
+ ok->m_val = emit_code_size(emit);
+ const Instr _pop = emit_add_instr(emit, RegMove);
+ _pop->m_val = -SZ_INT;// - key->size;
+ const Instr pushval = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_val);
+ pushval->m_val2 = key->size;
+ return GW_OK;
+static OP_EMIT(opem_dict_remove) {
+ Exp_Binary *bin = (Exp_Binary*)data;
+ const Env env = emit->env;
+ struct Exp_ func = { .exp_type = ae_exp_primary, .d = { .prim = { .prim_type = ae_prim_id, .d = { .var = insert_symbol("hash") }} }};
+ struct Exp_ call = {
+ .exp_type = ae_exp_call,
+ .d = {
+ .exp_call = {
+ .func = &func,
+ .args = bin->lhs // beware next
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const Type t = bin->rhs->type;
+ HMapInfo *const hinfo = (HMapInfo*)t->nspc->class_data;
+ struct Exp_ lhs = { .exp_type = ae_exp_primary, .type = hinfo->key, .d = { .prim = { .prim_type = ae_prim_id } }};
+ struct Exp_ rhs = { .exp_type = ae_exp_primary, .type = hinfo->key, .d = { .prim = { .prim_type = ae_prim_id } }};
+ struct Exp_ _bin = { .exp_type = ae_exp_binary, .d = { .exp_binary = { .lhs = &lhs, .rhs = &rhs, .op = insert_symbol("?=") } }};
+ struct Op_Import opi = {
+ .lhs = hinfo->key,
+ .rhs = hinfo->key,
+ .op = _bin.d.exp_binary.op,
+ .data = (m_uint)&_bin
+ };
+ CHECK_BB(traverse_exp(env, &call));
+ const Instr room_for_tombstone = emit_add_instr(emit, RegPushImm);
+ room_for_tombstone->m_val = -1;
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, &call));
+ const m_uint pc = emit_code_size(emit);
+ const Instr iter = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_iter);
+ iter->m_val = hinfo->key->size;
+ CHECK_BB(emit_exp(emit, bin->lhs));
+ op_emit(emit, &opi);
+ const Instr ok = emit_add_instr(emit, BranchNeqInt);
+ emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_iter_inc);
+ const Instr top = emit_add_instr(emit, Goto);
+ top->m_val = pc;
+ ok->m_val = emit_code_size(emit);
+ const Instr _pop = emit_add_instr(emit, RegMove);
+ _pop->m_val = -SZ_INT;// - key->size;
+ if(hinfo->keyk || hinfo->valk) {
+ clear_fn *const fn = clear[hinfo->keyk][hinfo->valk];
+ const Instr clear = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_remove_clear);
+ clear->m_val = (m_uint)fn;
+ }
+ const Instr pushval = emit_add_instr(emit, hmap_remove);
+ pushval->m_val2 = hinfo->key->size;
+ return GW_OK;
+// exit(3);
+ANN static m_bool emit_next_access(const Emitter emit, struct ArrayAccessInfo *const info) {
+ const struct Array_Sub_ array = info->array;
+ HMapInfo *const hinfo = (HMapInfo*)info->array.type->nspc->class_data;
+ info->array = (struct Array_Sub_){
+ .exp = array.exp->next,
+ .type = hinfo->val,
+ .depth = array.depth - 1
+ };
+ return emit_array_access(emit, info);
+static OP_EMIT(opem_dict_access) {
+ struct ArrayAccessInfo *const info = (struct ArrayAccessInfo *const)data;
+ const Array_Sub array = &info->array;
+ const Exp enext = array->exp->next;
+ array->exp->next = NULL;
+ _opem_dict_access(emit, data);
+ array->exp->next = enext;
+ return !enext ? GW_OK : emit_next_access(emit, info);
+static OP_CHECK(opck_dict_access) {
+ const Array_Sub array = (Array_Sub)data;
+ HMapInfo *const hinfo = (HMapInfo*)array->type->nspc->class_data;
+ if(!array->exp->next) return hinfo->val;
+ struct Array_Sub_ next = { array->exp->next, hinfo->val,
+ array->depth - 1};
+ return check_array_access(env, &next) ?: env->gwion->type[et_error];
+static OP_CHECK(opck_dict_scan) {
+ struct TemplateScan *ts = (struct TemplateScan *)data;
+ struct tmpl_info info = {
+ .base = ts->t, .td = ts->td, .list = ts->t->info->cdef->base.tmpl->list};
+ const Type exists = tmpl_exists(env, &info);
+ if (exists) return exists != env->gwion->type[et_error] ? exists : NULL;
+ CHECK_ON(ts->td->types);
+ DECL_ON(const Type, key, = known_type(env, ts->td->types->td));
+ CHECK_ON(ts->td->types->next);
+ DECL_ON(const Type, val, = known_type(env, ts->td->types->next->td));
+ if(tflag(key, tflag_ref) || tflag(val, tflag_ref))
+ ERR_N(ts->td->pos, "can't use Ref:[] in dicts");
+ const Class_Def cdef = cpy_class_def(env->gwion->mp, env->gwion->type[et_dict]->info->cdef);
+ cdef->base.ext = type2td(env->gwion, env->gwion->type[et_dict], (loc_t) {});
+ cdef->base.xid = info.name;
+ cdef->base.tmpl->base = 1; // could store depth here?
+ cdef->base.tmpl->call = cpy_type_list(env->gwion->mp, info.td->types);
+ (void)scan0_class_def(env, cdef);
+ const Type t = cdef->base.type;
+ t->nspc->class_data_size = sizeof(struct HMapInfo);
+ const m_bool ret = traverse_cdef(env, t);
+ HMapInfo *const hinfo = (HMapInfo*)t->nspc->class_data;
+ hmapinfo_init(hinfo, env->gwion->type, key, val);
+ if(hinfo->keyk + hinfo->valk) {
+ t->nspc->dtor = new_vmcode(env->gwion->mp, NULL, NULL, "@dtor", SZ_INT, true, false);
+ t->nspc->dtor->native_func = (m_uint)dict_clear_dtor;
+ set_tflag(t, tflag_dtor);
+ }
+ struct Op_Func opfunc = { .ck = opck_dict_access, .em = opem_dict_access };
+ struct Op_Import opi = { .lhs = key, .rhs = t, .ret = val, .op = insert_symbol("@array"), .func = &opfunc };
+ add_op(env->gwion, &opi);
+ opi.op = insert_symbol("~~");
+ opfunc.em = opem_dict_remove;
+ add_op(env->gwion, &opi);
+ {
+ const Func f = (Func)vector_front(&t->nspc->vtable);
+ const struct Op_Func opfunc = {.ck = opck_dict_remove_toop};
+ const struct Op_Import opi = {
+ .rhs = f->value_ref->type,
+ .func = &opfunc,
+ .data = (uintptr_t)f,
+ .op = insert_symbol("@func_check")};
+ CHECK_BN(add_op(env->gwion, &opi));
+ }
+ return ret > 0 ? t : NULL;
+// return t;
+// gwidoc(gwi, "Ref: take a reference from a variable.");
+// gwinote(gwi, "used just as the variable it reference.");
+// gwinote(gwi, "can only be used as argument.");
+// gwinote(gwi, "and cannot be returned.");
+ DECL_OB(const Type, t_dict, = gwi_class_ini(gwi, "Dict:[Key,Val]", "Object"));
+ gwi_class_xtor(gwi, dict_ctor, dict_dtor);
+ t_dict->nspc->offset += sizeof(struct HMap);
+ gwi->gwion->type[et_dict] = t_dict;
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_ini(gwi, "bool", "remove"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_arg(gwi, "Key", "key"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_end(gwi, (f_xfun)1, ae_flag_none));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_class_end(gwi))
+ GWI_BB(gwi_oper_ini(gwi, "Dict", NULL, NULL))
+ GWI_BB(gwi_oper_add(gwi, opck_dict_scan))
+ GWI_BB(gwi_oper_end(gwi, "@scan", NULL))
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_ini(gwi, "int", "hash"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_arg(gwi, "int", "key"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_end(gwi, mfun_int_h, ae_flag_none));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_ini(gwi, "int", "hash"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_arg(gwi, "Object", "key"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_end(gwi, mfun_int_h, ae_flag_none));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_ini(gwi, "int", "hash"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_arg(gwi, "float", "key"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_end(gwi, mfun_float_h, ae_flag_none));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_ini(gwi, "int", "hash"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_arg(gwi, "string", "key"));
+ GWI_BB(gwi_func_end(gwi, mfun_string_h, ae_flag_none));
+ return GW_OK;