+++ /dev/null
-# Benchmarks
-We'll need a bash script
-<link rel=styleSheet href="../assets/doc.css" TYPE="text/css"><div id="org-categories"><ul class="lev1"><li><a href="#">Show the code</a></li><ul class="lev2"><a href="#">
-@``` benchmark.sh
-language=("gwion" "wren" "lua")
-extension=("gw" "wren" "lua")
-: "${repeats:=10}"
-run() {
- perf stat -r"$repeats" "$1" "$test_dir/$3.$2" 2>&1 | grep "time elapsed" |
- sed 's/ *\([0-9]*\),\([0-9]*\) .* seconds time elapsed *( +- *\([0-9]*\),\([0-9]*\)% )/\1.\2 \3.\4/'
-get_list() {
- for file in $test_dir/*.gw
- do basename "$file" .gw
- done
-get_test() {
- for (( i=0; i<=$(( ${#language[@]} -1 )); i++ ))
- do echo "${language[$i]} $(run "${language[$i]}" "${extension[$i]}" "$1")"
- done > "docs/assets/benchmark/$1.dat"
-plot() {
- gnuplot -e "bench='$1'" "$plot_script"
-for bench in $(get_list)
-echo $bench
- get_test "$bench"
- plot "$bench"
- echo "### $bench"
- echo '<link rel=styleSheet href="../assets/doc.css" TYPE="text/css"><div id="org-categories"><ul class="lev1"><li><a href="#">Show the code</a></li><ul class="lev2"><a href="#">'
- echo "\`\`\`"
- cat "$test_dir/$bench.gw"
- echo "\`\`\`"
- echo '</a></a></li></ul></ul></div>'
- echo "![](assets/benchmark/$bench.png)"
-### and a gnuplot script
-<link rel=styleSheet href="../assets/doc.css" TYPE="text/css"><div id="org-categories"><ul class="lev1"><li><a href="#">Show the code</a></li><ul class="lev2"><a href="#">
-@``` bench.plot
-set terminal png truecolor
-#if (!exists("bench"))
-# bench = 'bench'
-if (!exists("test_dir"))
- test_dir = 'tests/benchmark'
-dat_name = sprintf("docs/assets/benchmark/%s.dat", bench)
-stats dat_name using 0:2 noout
-max = STATS_max_y+(0.1*STATS_max_y)
-set title bench
-set output sprintf("docs/assets/benchmark/%s.png", bench)
-set xrange [-0.5:((ceil(STATS_max_x))+0.5)]
-set yrange [0:max]
-set boxwidth 0.50
-set nokey
-set xtics nomirror
-set ytics nomirror
-set style fill transparent solid 0.25 # partial transparency
-set style fill noborder # no separate top/bottom lines
-plot dat_name using 0:2:($2*($3/100.0)):xtic(2) with boxerrorbar lc "blue" notitle, \
- '' using 0:(max-(0.05*max)):1 with labels
-## Show the results
-Then just run it
-@exec bash benchmark.sh; #rm bench.plot benchmark.sh