## Acknowledgements.
The whole [Chuck](http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/) team, for inspiration.
-[Paul Batchelor](https://github.com/PaulBatchelor) and the great [soundpipe](https://github.com/PaulBatchelor/Soundpipe) library, that got me started.
-And of course all the [contributors](https://github.com/fennecdjay/Gwion/graphs/contributors), not to mention the OSS community.
+[Paul Batchelor](https://github.com/PaulBatchelor) and the great [soundpipe](https://github.com/PaulBatchelor/Soundpipe) library, that got me started.
+## Contributors
+Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors#emoji-key)):
+This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
+> NOTE: if you should be on the list of contributors but we forgot you, don't be shy and let us know!